Affordable rental
For IndependenT
Ages 65
Kaslo and District Senior Citizens Shelter Society
About Us
Abbey Manor, Overview
Kaslo and District Senior Citizens Shelter Society ( KDSCSS ), a B.C. registered non profit, was incorporated in 1980. The site for Abbey Manor (The Manor) was chosen in 1981, and the building was constructed in 1984. It is open to RDCK Area D residents of West Kootenay who are over 65 years of age with low or modest income who find their housing needs cannot be met by the market.
Kaslo and District Senior Citizens Shelter Society operates Abbey Manor by means of a volunteer Board of Directors who conduct the business of managing the needs of the residents and care of the building. The Board of Directors is governed by B.C. Housing Corporation.

208 A Ave., Kaslo, B.C.
Mailing address:
Box 1005, Kaslo, B.C. V0G 1M0

Abbey Manor, a non smoking facility, is comprised of ten ground level units with private patio areas and entrances. The suites range from 450 to 492 square feet, one being handicapped accessible, and come furnished with window coverings, a fridge and stove. The building has a laundry facility, basic cable service and resident parking. A large Common Room is available to the residents to hold social events and meetings. This room is equipped with a kitchen, large tables, chairs, a comfortable couch, piano and big screen television. Exterior doors lead to a patio area equipped with a barbecue and picnic tables.
Abbey Manor is located on a corner lot which provides lovely views of Kootenay Lake and the surrounding mountains. It is within walking distance to the main street of Kaslo and the beach walking trail.
Wireless high-speed internet is available to the tenants of Abbey Manor.
Free Parking
Outdoor parking for each tenant is available on flat, well maintained ground, near entrance.
Big Screen TV
The common room has a large television with satellite cable, and a DVD player.
The common room is equipped with a dishwasher for use by tenants.
Washer & Dryer
A shared laundry room is equipped with washer and dryer.
A large quality BBQ is available for use on the spacious outdoor patio.
Abbey Manor in the heart of kaslo
Welcoming Applicants!
Although The Manor traditionally has a waiting list of applicants a tenant may be selected on need and not necessarily on their position on the waiting list. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please make a copy of the attached application form or contact the Chair of the Board to have an application mailed to you. Before submitting your application, please ensure all sections are completed as failure to do so will result in it being returned to you. Your application will remain on file for two years at which time you will need to reapply if still interested.
Mailing: Box 1005, Kaslo, B.C. V0G 1M0
Our team
Board Members
The Board meetings take place on the third Monday of each month except July and August. An AGM (Annual General Meeting) is held in the spring. Board members work as a team, to ensure the business of managing The Manor is comprehensive. The Chair and Vice Chair liaison with B.C. Housing staff. The Treasurer works in unison with a bookkeeper and a professional accounting firm. As the secretary takes the minutes of meetings and processes any required correspondence, basic computer skills are an asset. Two of the directors at large deal with building maintenance and another three assist with overall issues that arise such as emergency planning and tenant concerns.
Please contact the Chair of Abbey Manor if you would be interested in joining this team.

208 A Ave., Kaslo, B.C.
Mailing address:
Box 1005, Kaslo, B.C. V0G 1M0